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How China Sees the World in 2024
  • Reza Hasmath, University of Alberta
China’s relationship with Western jurisdictions have suffered from greater bi-directional tensions in the last year. This trend is exemplified by China’s tacit support for Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine, its ongoing trade disputes with the United States and the European Union, disputes in the South China Sea, and its reliance on dual-use technologies to promote its military and economic advancement. These developments have led to numerous investigations of China’s trade practices, particularly regarding electric vehicles, export restrictions on semiconductors and other high-end technologies, and the prolonged deployment of military assets in the Indo-Pacific region. 

As China’s rise as a major power marks a defining feature of the contemporary global political, economic and security landscape, it remains crucial to focus on Chinese citizens’ perceptions of foreign jurisdictions and issues of global concern. Namely, the Chinese state’s capacity to pursue its interests is intimately tied to the popular legitimacy it is granted by its citizenry. This ultimately means that the general public’s support or dissatisfaction with China’s foreign policy and activities can translate to future support or dissatisfaction with the Chinese government itself. 

This report discusses the findings from the second iteration of the Chinese Citizens’ Global Perception Survey (CCGPS). CCGPS 2024 is an online and telephone national survey conducted by the lead author, in cooperation with a survey firm in mainland China, in the first quarter of 2024. It provides a demographically representative and statistically valid, candid account of how the Chinese general public view other nations and their relationships with China. CCGPS 2024 examined mainland Chinese citizens’ perspectives on China’s current relations with global actors, including Australia, Canada, the EU, France, Germany, India, Japan, Russia, the UK and the US. This report discusses the survey findings in five areas: (1) Chinese citizens’ general global perception; (2) China’s global roles; (3) foreign tourism, study, work and emigration preferences; (4) Canada-China relations; and (5) Chinese citizens’ sources and knowledge of global jurisdictions.

This report offers observations and insights into the Chinese public’s views on global relations, and the factors that shape these perceptions. In the same breath, the report points to critical nuances that fashion a greater understanding behind the complexities of everyday Chinese citizens’ thinking. The goal of the report is to provide evidence, rooted in timely data, which can aid key stakeholders to develop targeted and considered strategies for enlighten and productive engagement with mainland China. 
  • contemporary China,
  • foreign relations,
  • global peace and security leadership,
  • international trade and investments,
  • education,
  • immigration,
  • tourism,
  • global social and economic governance,
  • research and technology cooperation
Publication Date
May, 2024
Citation Information
Hasmath, R. (2024) How China Sees the World in 2024. Edmonton: The China Institute at the University of Alberta.