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Stress-Induced Angular Momentum Quenching in MgO: Fe2+ as Observed by Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Physical Review B
  • J. Chappert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • A. Misetich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Richard B. Frankel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • N. A. Blum, NASA Electronics Research Center
Publication Date

Under the influence of a suitable uniaxial stress, the quenching of the electronic angular momentum of the low-lying threefold degenerate Γ5g level of Fe2+ in cubic MgO has been observed by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The result is consistent with Ham's model for the appearance of a quadrupole doublet at low temperatures. A value for the strain coefficient of Fe2+ in MgO has been obtained: G11=585 cm-1.

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This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Physical Society. The following article appeared in Physical Review B.
Citation Information
J. Chappert, A. Misetich, Richard B. Frankel and N. A. Blum. "Stress-Induced Angular Momentum Quenching in MgO: Fe2+ as Observed by Mössbauer Spectroscopy" Physical Review B Vol. 1 Iss. 5 (1970) p. 1929 - 1934
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