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Crystal Habits and Magnetic Microstructures of Magnetosomes in Coccoid Magnetotactic Bacteria
Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  • Ulysses Lins, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiroı Cidade Universitária, Brazil
  • Martha R. McCartney, Arizona State University
  • Marcos Farina, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiroı Cidade Universitária, Brazil
  • Richard B. Frankel, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
  • Peter R. Buseck, Arizona State University
Publication Date

We report on the application of off-axis electron holography and high-resolution TEM to study the crystal habits of magnetosomes and magnetic microstructure in two coccoid morphotypes of magnetotactic bacteria collected from a brackish lagoon at Itaipu, Brazil. Itaipu-1, the larger coccoid organism, contains two separated chains of unusually large magnetosomes; the magnetosome crystals have roughly square projections, lengths up to 250 nm and are slightly elongated along [111] (width/length ~ 0.9). Itaipu-3 magnetosome crystals have lengths up to 120 nm, greater elongation along [111] (width/length approximately 0.6), and prominent corner facets. The results show that Itaipu-1 and Itaipu-3 magnetosome crystal habits are related, differing only in the relative sizes of their crystal facets. In both cases, the crystals are aligned with their [111] elongation axes parallel to the chain direction. In Itaipu-1, but not Itaipu-3, crystallographic positioning perpendicular to [111] of successive crystals in the magnetosome chain appears to be under biological control. Whereas the large magnetosomes in Itaipu-1 are metastable, single-magnetic domains, magnetosomes in Itaipu-3 are permanent, single-magnetic domains, as in most magnetotactic bacteria.

Publisher statement
Published by SciELO Brazil.
Citation Information
Ulysses Lins, Martha R. McCartney, Marcos Farina, Richard B. Frankel, et al.. "Crystal Habits and Magnetic Microstructures of Magnetosomes in Coccoid Magnetotactic Bacteria" Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences Vol. 78 Iss. 3 (2006) p. 463 - 474
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