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Observation of Substitutional Site Preference in a Quasicrystal and Implication on Local Structure
Physical Review Letters
  • M. Eibschütz, AT&T Bell Laboratories
  • M. E. Lines, AT&T Bell Laboratories
  • H. S. Chen, AT&T Bell Laboratories
  • J. V. Waszczak, AT&T Bell Laboratories
  • G. C. Papaefthymiou, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Richard B. Frankel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Publication Date

A combination of magnetic susceptibility and Mössbauer measurements on quasicrystalline i-Al74Mn20-xFexSi6 (0.02≤x≤7.5) establishes that Mn atoms in i-Al74Mn20Si6 occupy two distinct classes of sites, and that Fe substitutes for only one of them. The two classes are distinguished by the possession or otherwise of a localized magnetic moment. The data are consistent with a structure of interconnecting Mackay icosahedra (MI) in which localized moments are possessed only by Mn atoms adjacent to "broken" MI connections. The implied connectivity of the resulting MI network is close to that anticipated for a packing of MI on a three-dimensional Penrose-tile lattice.

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This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Physical Society. The following article appeared in Physical Review Letters.
Citation Information
M. Eibschütz, M. E. Lines, H. S. Chen, J. V. Waszczak, et al.. "Observation of Substitutional Site Preference in a Quasicrystal and Implication on Local Structure" Physical Review Letters Vol. 59 Iss. 21 (1987) p. 2443 - 2446
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