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Young Women’s Sexual Assault Experiences: Exploring Conservative Socialisation Experiences as an Important Contextual Factor
Sex Education
  • Analise Barker, Utah State University
  • Renee V. Galliher, Utah State University
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This study explored the connections between gender socialisation, cultural programming related to sexuality, and the sexual assault experiences of young women. We examined how young women’s sexual assault experiences, and their subsequent adjustment to these, are influenced by religion, conservative values, faith and spirituality. Fourteen sexual assault survivors shared the stories of their assault experiences, as well as their sexuality education, religious socialisation, and the consequences of both. The 14 women reported experiences with 26 different perpetrators, nearly all of whom were known to the survivors. Although some found their faith to be a source of strength when coping with their sexual assault, many claimed that their religious and conservative socialisation left them at risk for victimisation.

Citation Information
Barker, A. & Galliher, R. V. (2020). Young women's sexual assault experiences: Exploring conservative socialization as an important contextual factor. Sex Education, 20, 477-493. DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2019.1697660