Present | Associate Professor, St. Catherine University ‐ Nursing Department | |
Research Interests
2021 - Present | GHR Foundation AEG Grant Funding |
St. Catherine University, Henrietta Schmoll School of Health - 235101 | |
Role: Primary Investigator | |
2020 - Present | Assistantship Mentoring Program |
St. Catherine University | |
Role: Primary Investigator | |
2018 - 2019 | The Agnes Marshall Walker Foundation |
American Association of Neuroscience Nurses | |
Role: Primary Investigator | |
2017 - 2019 | A Multidisciplinary MARC U-STAR Program at UND |
NIH-NIGMS - 1T34GM122835-01 | |
Role: PhD student | |
Colleague(s): PI Lindseth, Glenda |
Professional Service and Affiliations
2020 - Present | Education Approver Committee Member, American Association of Neuroscience Nurses |
Honors and Awards
- Summa Cum Laude, Baccalaureate Degrees (Latin Honors), 2014
- 3rd Place Extemporaneous Speaking, MN Skills USA Championship, 2001
- 2nd Place Pre-School Teaching Assistant, MN Skills USA Championship, 2000
- Three Minute Thesis (3MT), University of North Dakota, Finalist, 2019
2019 | PhD, University of North Dakota ‐ Nursing | |
2014 | MS, Nursing, Excelsior College ‐ Nursing | |
2013 | BS, Nursing, Excelsior College | |
2005 | Associate of Applied Science, Nursing, Ridgewater College | |
Contact Information
St. Catherine University
2004 Randolph Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105