Volatile Organic Gases as Bioindicators for Transplant Rejection
A method comprising (a) obtaining one or more biological samples from a subject wherein the subject has undergone an organ transplant; (b) determining the amount and type of one or more volatile organic compounds in the biological sample; and (c) correlating the amount of volatile organic compounds to a degree of transplant rejection. A device comprising a plurality of sensors configured to detect a plurality of volatile organic compounds in a biological sample of a subject having undergone an organ transplant.
- organic gases,
- patents,
- organ transplant
Publication Date
January 29, 2015
United States (12) Patent Application Publication
Cai et al. (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0031582 Al
(43) Pub. Date: Jan. 29, 2015
Citation Information
Dong Cai, Zhifeng Ren, Xian C Li, Renard L Thomas, et al.. "Volatile Organic Gases as Bioindicators for Transplant Rejection" (2015) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/renard_thomas/2/