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Comparison of LIDAR & Conventional Mapping Methods for Highway Corridor Studies
  • David Veneziano, Iowa State University
  • Shauna Hallmark, Iowa State University
  • Reginald R. Souleyrette, Iowa State University

This report discusses the use of LIDAR derived surface terrain information to locate (or determine location of) new or relocate existing transportation facilities. Terrain information is used both to construct and evaluate alternative routes and to create final design plans that optimize alignments and grades for the selected alternative. Currently, ground surveying and photogrammetric mapping are the methods used by state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) to acquire this data. Both methods are time and resource intensive since they require significant data collection and reduction to provide the level of detail necessary for facility location. In addition, these methods are limited by environmental factors, such as weather. Photogrammetric data collection is most constrained by these factors. Collection of the appropriate aerial imagery is often constrained to early spring or late fall so that data collection occurs under leaf-off conditions and the appropriate sun angle (above 30 degrees) with cloud-free skies. These requirements severely limit the available window during which imagery can be acquired, especially in northern climates. With conventional surveying, data collection occurs almost entirely in the field and may require that data collection personnel locate on or near heavily traveled roadways. Additionally, because of extensive in-field data collection, its use is impractical for sizeable projects. Field data collection for photogrammetry is less onerous, but once aerial imagery are obtained, a significant amount of processing is necessary before any useful terrain information is available. The result is the passage of a significant amount of time between project inception and final route selection, construction, and completion.

  • LIDAR,
  • Comparison of LIDAR & Conventional Mapping Methods,
  • Highway Corridor
Publication Date
October, 2002
Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University
Citation Information
David Veneziano, Shauna Hallmark and Reginald R. Souleyrette. Comparison of LIDAR & Conventional Mapping Methods for Highway Corridor Studies. (2002)
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