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Application of Vehicle Specific Information in Adaptive Intersection Traffic Signal Control
Transportation Quarterly (1996)
  • Alireza Kamyab, Iowa State University
  • Thomas H. Maze, Iowa State University
  • Reginald R. Souleyrette, Iowa State University

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) involve the use of information, communications, and computer technology to update and enhance the capabilities of transportation systems. Incorporating advanced technology into traditional transportation systems provides completely new functions to facilitate more productive and safe transportation of people and goods. Thus, ITS provides a new paradigm for planning, managing, operating, and maintaining transportation systems. This paper reports on the evaluation of a new ITS concept for enhancing traffic signal control. The ultimate deployment of the concept is dependent on future incorporation of advanced technology into traffic control and vehicle systems.

  • Adaptive control,
  • Intelligent transportation systems,
  • Intersections,
  • Traffic signal controllers
Publication Date
Citation Information
Alireza Kamyab, Thomas H. Maze and Reginald R. Souleyrette. "Application of Vehicle Specific Information in Adaptive Intersection Traffic Signal Control" Transportation Quarterly Vol. 50 Iss. 2 (1996)
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