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About Regina Galasso

Regina Galasso's research and teaching areas of interest include literary and cultural relations between U.S. and Hispanic writers and artists, literature of the city, visual arts, literary translation, and 20th- and 21st-century Spanish literature. She has published articles on Felipe Alfau, Eduardo Lago, and José Moreno Villa as well as translations of the work of Miguel Barnet, Rolando Sánchez Mejías, and Alicia Borinsky among others. Together with Carmen Boullosa, she is the editor of a special issue of Translation Review featuring scholarly articles and literary translations associated with Hispanic New York. She is working on a book manuscript about the unique role New York City has played within Hispanic literary production. She holds a Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins University and degrees in Spanish from Middlebury College (M.A.) and Rutgers University (B.A.). She was Assistant Professor at The City University of New York (BMCC) before joining the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at UMass.


Present Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Contact Information

Herter 409
161 Presidents Drive
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003
Tel: 413-545-0832

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