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A Five Year Water Research Plan for the State of Arkansas
Technical Reports
  • Robert E. Babcock, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Document Type
Technical Report
Publication Date
  • Arkansas,
  • quality of life,
  • natural resources,
  • resource management

The present economy and quality of life in Arkansas have largely been determined by our natural resources and the way they have been used. Likewise, insuring a sound economic future and a healthful environment in the state will depend on the efficiency and the wisdom with which nature's gifts are managed in the future. As the state's population grows and places new demands on finite resources, the need for effective resource management becomes increasingly critical. Often, a history of plenty can lead to the belated recognition of emerging resource problems. In Arkansas, such is the case with the state's water resources.

Report Number
Citation Information
Robert E. Babcock. "A Five Year Water Research Plan for the State of Arkansas" (1980)
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