Winds of change: James Madison University Libraries’ participation in the VIVA/Zepheira/Atlas linked data pilot
ACRL Technical Services Interest Group, ALA Annual Conference
The Virtual Library of Virginia Consortium (VIVA) contracted in 2016 with Zepheira and Atlas to launch a pilot project using archives/special collections records from seven member schools in a Linked Data experiment. The records are converted to Zepheira's form of BIBFRAME 1.0 and published in their Library.Link program. Zepheira's structured data approach to Linked Data web publication is extreme, unique, and promising. We will describe how James Madison University enriched its bib records with LC, FAST, and AAT URIs, what the resulting Zepheira structured data injection looks like, and how effectively the method is driving web traffic to our Library.Link website.
- linked data
Publication Date
June 24, 2017
Chicago, IL
Citation Information
Steven W. Holloway and Rebecca B. French. "Winds of change: James Madison University Libraries’ participation in the VIVA/Zepheira/Atlas linked data pilot" ACRL Technical Services Interest Group, ALA Annual Conference (2017) Available at: