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Sock it to me! Creating Drama with Puppets
  • Rebecca Saunders, University of Massachusetts Boston
This workshop combines techniques from puppet making and from playwriting to create a character for you to use in the classroom. One of the standard techniques for stimulating creativity that I’ve come across in writers’ workshops is when the facilitator presents some evocative image. The image could be a realistic photograph of elderly women chatting at a reunion or a surrealist painting of a girl leading her pet bear on a leash. Then quickly we begin to write, almost before we have time to think, repress, filter out. We are caught by surprise, and the unexpected within us has a chance to be evoked. The surprise frees us to react and to write without preconceived notions getting in the way of the creative process, and sometimes our mind’s unfiltered reactions allows us to write something new and different. Like pictures or objects, fabrics, textures, shapes, and colors have enormous evocative powers that can help us shape our characters. In this workshop, participants will be guided by their reactions to materials I’ve supplied to create interesting characters from puppets.
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Citation Information
Rebecca Saunders. "Sock it to me! Creating Drama with Puppets" (2011)
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