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Local Loss and Spatial Homogenization of Plant Diversity Reduce Ecosystem Multifunctionality
Nature Ecology & Evolution
  • Yann Hautier, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
  • Forest Isbell, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Elizabeth T. Borer, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Eric W. Seabloom, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • W. Stanley Harpole, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Germany
  • Eric M. Lind, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Andrew S. MacDougall, University of Guelph, Canada
  • Carly J. Stevens, Lancaster University
  • Peter B. Adler, Utah State University
  • Juan Alberti, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina
  • Jonathan D. Bakker, University of Washington
  • Lars A. Brudvig, Michigan State University
  • Yvonne M. Buckley, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
  • Marc Cadotte, University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada
  • Maria C. Caldeira, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Enrique J. Chaneton, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Chengjin Chu, Sun Yat-sen University, China
  • Pedro Daleo, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina
  • Christopher R. Dickman, University of Sydney, Australia
  • John M. Dwyer, The University of Queensland, Australia
  • Anu Eskelinen, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Germany
  • Philip A Fay, USDA Agricultural Research Service
  • Jennifer Firn, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • Nicole Hagenah, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  • Helmut Hillebrand, University Oldenburg, Germany
  • Oscar Iribarne, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina
  • Kevin P. Kirkman, , University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  • Johannes M. H. Knops, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
  • Kimberly J. La Pierre, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
  • Rebecca L. McCulley, University of Kentucky

Biodiversity is declining in many local communities while also becoming increasingly homogenized across space. Experiments show that local plant species loss reduces ecosystem functioning and services, but the role of spatial homogenization of community composition and the potential interaction between diversity at different scales in maintaining ecosystem functioning remains unclear, especially when many functions are considered (ecosystem multifunctionality). We present an analysis of eight ecosystem functions measured in 65 grasslands worldwide. We find that more diverse grasslands—those with both species-rich local communities (α-diversity) and large compositional differences among localities (β-diversity)—had higher levels of multifunctionality. Moreover, α- and β-diversity synergistically affected multifunctionality, with higher levels of diversity at one scale amplifying the contribution to ecological functions at the other scale. The identity of species influencing ecosystem functioning differed among functions and across local communities, explaining why more diverse grasslands maintained greater functionality when more functions and localities were considered. These results were robust to variation in environmental drivers. Our findings reveal that plant diversity, at both local and landscape scales, contributes to the maintenance of multiple ecosystem services provided by grasslands. Preserving ecosystem functioning therefore requires conservation of biodiversity both within and among ecological communities.

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Notes/Citation Information

Published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, v. 2, issue 1, p. 50--56.

© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

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Funding Information

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 298935 to Y.H. (with A.H. and E.W.S.). This work was generated using data from the Nutrient Network ( experiment, funded at the site-scale by individual researchers. Coordination and data management have been supported by funding from the National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network (NSF-DEB-1042132) to E.T.B. and E.W.S, and from the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) programme (NSF-DEB-1234162), and the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota (DG-0001-13).

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Citation Information
Yann Hautier, Forest Isbell, Elizabeth T. Borer, Eric W. Seabloom, et al.. "Local Loss and Spatial Homogenization of Plant Diversity Reduce Ecosystem Multifunctionality" Nature Ecology & Evolution Vol. 2 Iss. 1 (2018) p. 50 - 56
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