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The Problem With Separate Toys For Girls And Boys
Boston Globe (2015)
  • Rebecca Hains, Salem State University
Girls’ toys. Boys’ toys. To many parents, the ubiquity of separate color-coded shopping aisles feels natural, reflecting a belief in innate gender differences and discrete interests. Recently, however, campaigns such as Let Toys Be Toys and No Gender December have made international headlines for championing desegregated toy aisles, recommending reorganization by theme or interest instead. Rather than believing dolls and crafts are for girls while trucks and science kits are for boys, “we think all toys are for all children,” explains Let Toys Be Toys campaigner Jo Jowers, who lives in England.
Publication Date
July 9, 2015
Citation Information
Rebecca Hains. "The Problem With Separate Toys For Girls And Boys" Boston Globe (2015)
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