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Establishment of a mouse model to evaluate microvascular changes in the retina during malaria infection
James Madison University Biosyposium (2016)
  • Sraavya Polisett^*, James Madison University
  • Joshua Donohue^*, James Madison University
  • Dr. Tracy Deem, James Madison University
  • Dr. Chris Lantz, James Madison University
  • Raymond A Enke
Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium. Common outcomes of infection include anemia, fever, chills, sweats, and headaches. In addition, some strains of Plasmodium induce a potential fatal neurological condition called cerebral malaria in which parasitized RBCs become sequestered in blood vessels of the brain and cause inflammation. Sequestration and vascular damage also occurs in the retina and the degree of damage correlates with the severity of microvascular brain damage. We wished to establish a retinal whole mount model that will eventually allow us to examine the potential influence of the cytokine interleukin-3 on the progressive microvascular changes that occur in the retina during infection. To establish this technique in the laboratory, we first sacrificed C57BL/10 mice that were previously injected intravenously with the fluorescent dye Evans blue. Mouse eyes were then enucleated, fixed, and retinal whole mounts were prepared and examined by confocal fluorescence microscopy. Our results show that Evan blue clearly allows the visualization of the retinal vasculature. Future experiments utilizing this technique should allow us to quantify and compare the degree of retinal vascular leakage that occurs in both Plasmodium-infected wild-type and interleukin-3-deficient mice.
Publication Date
Spring April 15, 2016
Harrisonburg, VA
Citation Information
Sraavya Polisett^*, Joshua Donohue^*, Tracy Deem, Chris Lantz, et al.. "Establishment of a mouse model to evaluate microvascular changes in the retina during malaria infection" James Madison University Biosyposium (2016)
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