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Teaching Environmental Ethics to MBA Students
Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability
  • Raymond Benton, Jr., Loyola University Chicago
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This essay explains the author's approach to teaching environmental ethics in the graduate school of business. The approach is based on a religious rather than a philosophical perspective, taking its light not from theology or religious studies but from anthropology. The author discusses the origins of the course, then explains the anthropological model of religion as a cultural system and briefly applies that model to economics, focusing on the worldview that undergirds it. The course then shifts to how others understand the world in which they live, introduces Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac, and ends by speculating on what might come next if the course were a third longer than it is.


Author Posting © 2012, North American Business Press. This article is posted here by permission of North American Business Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The article was published in Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2012, pages 35-53.

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Citation Information
Benton, Raymond Jr. "Teaching Environmental Ethics to MBA Students." Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 7(3): 35-53.