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The role of big data in education quality monitoring: implications at the global, regional and national levels
International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) (2018)
  • Ursula Schwantner, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Amit Kaushik, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Ross Turner, Australian Council for Educational Research(ACER)
  • Charlotte Waters, Australian Council for Educational Research(ACER)
  • Ray Adams, Australian Council for Educational Research(ACER)
 The paper discusses the role of big data in monitoring education quality and implications at the global, regional and national levels in the light of international efforts to monitor progress in achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal in Education (SDG 4). Data on learning outcomes are central in establishing and monitoring education quality. The proportion of children achieving at least a minimum proficiency in reading and mathematics is a primary indicator of SDG 4. For this indicator to be meaningful across contexts, a shared understanding must be reached on its constituents and the data used to report progress. While large-scale assessments are widely recognized as a primary source for such data, they vary in method and scope, posing major challenges for global monitoring. Consequently approaches to link major cross-national assessments and to harmonise quantitative data across such programs seem promising, despite their limitations in reach and in providing substantive information to inform improvements. In contrast, common described scales provide a reference point for data from a range of different assessments, be they international or national in scope, and including learning data on out-of-school children. 
  • Monitoring,
  • Global education,
  • Data in education,
  • Education quality,
  • Learning outcomes
Publication Date
November, 2018
Oxford, UK
Citation Information
Ursula Schwantner, Amit Kaushik, Ross Turner, Charlotte Waters, et al.. "The role of big data in education quality monitoring: implications at the global, regional and national levels" International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) (2018)
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