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The Weak Lefschetz theorem for Chow groups: Infinitesimal lifting (R)
Homology, Homotopy and Applications (2014)
  • Ravindra Girivaru, University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • Deepam Patel
Let X be a smooth projective variety over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero and Y ⊂ X a smooth ample hyperplane section. The Weak Lefschetz conjecture for Chow groups states that the natural restriction map CH^p (X)Q → CH^p (Y)Q is an isomorphism for all p < dim(Y)/2. In this note, we revisit a strategy introduced by Grothendieck to attack this problem by using the Bloch-Quillen formula to factor this morphism through a continuous K-cohomology group on the formal completion of X along Y . This splits the conjecture into two smaller conjectures: one consisting of an algebraization problem and the other dealing with infinitesimal liftings of algebraic cycles. We give a complete proof of the infinitesimal part of the conjecture.
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Citation Information
Ravindra Girivaru and Deepam Patel. "The Weak Lefschetz theorem for Chow groups: Infinitesimal lifting (R)" Homology, Homotopy and Applications (2014) p. 1 - 19
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