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On the Geometry of Generalised Quadrics
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (2007)
  • Ravindra Girivaru, University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • N Mohan Kumar
  • A P Rao
 Let {f0, · · · , fn; g0, · · · , gn} be a regular sequence in P 2n+1 and suppose that Q = ∑^n i=0 figi is a homogeneous polynomial. We shall refer to the hypersurface X defined by Q as a generalised quadric. In this note, we prove that generalised quadrics in P^(2n+1) for n ≥ 1 are reduced.
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Citation Information
Ravindra Girivaru, N Mohan Kumar and A P Rao. "On the Geometry of Generalised Quadrics" Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Iss. 3 (2007) p. 1 - 8
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