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Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay Bundles on Complete Intersection Varieties of Sufficiently High Multidegree
Mathematische Zeitschrift (2010)
  • Ravindra Girivaru, University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • Jishnu Biswas
Recently it has been proved that any arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay (ACM) bundle of rank two on a general, smooth hypersurface of degree at least three and dimension at least four is a sum of line bundles. When the dimension of the hypersurface is three, a similar result is true provided the degree of the hypersurface is at least six. We extend these results to complete intersection subvarieties by proving that any ACM bundle of rank two on a general, smooth complete intersection subvariety of sufficiently high multi-degree and dimension at least four splits. We also obtain partial results in the case of threefolds.
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Citation Information
Ravindra Girivaru and Jishnu Biswas. "Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay Bundles on Complete Intersection Varieties of Sufficiently High Multidegree" Mathematische Zeitschrift Iss. 3 (2010) p. 1 - 15
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