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Right Ventricular Mass Index Predicts Pulmonary Vascual Resistance in Pulmonary Vascular Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Baseline Cardiac MRI Results of the COMPASS-3 Trial
Department of Medicine
  • Himanshu Gupta, MD
  • Ravi V Desai, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Steven G Lloyd, MD
  • Fernando Orres
  • Francisco Soto
  • Myung Park
  • Chad McQueen
  • Srinivas Murali, MD
  • Raymond Benza
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Citation Information

Gupta, H., Desai, R., Lloyd, S., Orres, F., Soto, F., Park, M., McQueen, C., Murali, S., & Benza, R. (2009, March 10). Right ventricular mass index predicts pulmonary vascual resistance in pulmonary vascular resistance in pulmonary arterial hypertension: Baseline cardiac MRI results of the COMPASS-3 trial. Presented at: The ACC 2009 Meeting, Orlando, FL.