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About Randall S. Dunn

Dr. Randall Dunn has dabbled in multiple disciplines within the field of education, notably special education, educational technology, and theories of leadership and learning. He earned his doctorate from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom with primary research in how professional educators form communities in online environments. His master's degree is in the area of special education, focusing on transition services for mild disabilities. He also holds a teaching licensure in 4-8 regular education and special education (mental retardation, learning disabilities, emotional disturbance). He has taught in both regular and special education classrooms and has enjoyed working with children of all learning abilities and needs.
Randall spent five years working as a project manager in the software development industry, using the latest in technology. This strengthened his primary research interest - the use of technology in educational organizations. He has performed original research in the area of online communication and professional educator virtual community formation.
Randall has recently taken on the role of coordinating the newly created M.Ed. program in educational technology. He currently teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in educational technology, post-secondary transition for students with special needs, teaching social studies in the elementary school, historical and philosophical foundations of education, and middle education curriculum.


Present Chair, Technology and Innovation, Associate Professor, Liberty University School of Education

Curriculum Vitae


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Contact Information

Dr. Randall Dunn
Assistant Professor
Liberty University
Office: TE 107
Phone: 592-3716


Professional Presentations (15)

Community Presentations (5)

Unpublished Manuscripts (4)