The Efficacy of Service-Learning as Practical Experiences for Pre-service Special Education Teachers
Council for Exceptional Children
This presentation examines recent research performed on a post-secondary transition program for students with moderate cognitive deficiencies engaged in a community-based collaboratively developed program involving the participation of a public school district, a community college and a university teacher preparation program. The structure of this program follows a service-learning model of engagement as opposed to more traditional internship models. We use this research as a framework for a discussion on potential benefits of a service-learning approach integrated into teacher preparation programs in general and teacher candidates enrolled in these programs in particular. This research informs policy with regard to teacher program structure and practical experience design in addition to program collaboration methods and approaches.
- service-learning,
- special education,
- teacher education,
- pre-service,
- internships
Publication Date
November 8, 2007
This presentation was made at the Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division Conference in November 2007, held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Citation Information
Dunn, R. (2007, November). The Efficacy of Service-Learning as Practical Experiences for Pre-service Special Education Teachers . Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.