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Critical Pedagogy and Marxism: Rethinking Revolutionary Praxis in Education
Education Faculty Books and Book Chapters
  • Peter McLaren, Chapman University
  • Ramin Farahmandpur

"The globalization of capital and its profane partnership with neoliberal politics pose unique and urgent challenges to today's progressive educators. The central questions that were raised by George Counts in the 1930s and by Henry Giroux in the 1980s need to be raised again: Dare schools build a new social order? What purpose do schools serve and in whose interest? … [E]ducators need to unthink their current relation to pedagogical practice as decoupled from the infrastructure of capitalism's deep value system and ruling moral syntax. "

Publication Date

In Greg Dimitriadis, Dennis Carlson (Eds.), Promises to Keep: Cultural Studies, Democratic Education, and Public Life. Dr. McLaren's chapter begins on page 39.

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Citation Information
McLaren, P. & Farahmandpur, R. (2003). Critical pedagogy and Marxism: Rethinking revolutionary praxis in education. In D. Carlson & G. Dimitriadis (Eds.), Promises to keep: Cultural studies, democratic education, and public life (pp 39-76). New York, NY: RoutledgeFalmer.