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Ruling out (160,54,18) difference sets in some nonabelian groups
Journal of Combinatorial Designs (2000)
  • Jason Alexander
  • Raji Balasubramanian, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Jeremy Martin
  • Kimberly Monahan
  • Harriet Pollatsek

We prove the following theorems. Theorem A. Let G be a group of order 160 satisfying one of the following conditions. (1) G has an image isomorphic to D20 ×  Z2(for example, if G ≃ D20 × K). (2) G has a normal 5-Sylow subgroup and an elementary abelian 2-Sylow subgroup. (3) G has an abelian image of exponent 2, 4, 5, or 10 and order greater than 20. Then G cannot contain a (160, 54, 18) difference set.

Theorem B. Suppose G is a nonabelian group with 2-Sylow subgroup S and 5-Sylow subgroup T and contains a (160, 54, 18) difference set. Then we have one of three possibilities. (1) T is normal, |ϕ(S)| = 8, and one of the following is true: (a) G = S × T and S is nonabelian; (b) G has a D10image; or (c) G has a Frobenius image of order 20. (2) G has a Frobenius image of order 80. (3) G is of index 6 in A Γ L(1, 16).

To prove the first case of Theorem A, we find the possible distribution of a putative difference set with the stipulated parameters among the cosets of a normal subgroup using irreducible representations of the quotient; we show that no such distribution is possible. The other two cases are due to others. In the second (due to Pott) irreducible representations of the elementary abelian quotient of order 32 give a contradiction. In the third (due to an anonymous referee), the contradiction derives from a theorem of Lander together with Dillon's “dihedral trick.” Theorem B summarizes the open nonabelian cases based on this work.

  • ifference set; finite group; symmetric design
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
DOI: 10.1002/1520-6610
Citation Information
Jason Alexander, Raji Balasubramanian, Jeremy Martin, Kimberly Monahan, et al.. "Ruling out (160,54,18) difference sets in some nonabelian groups" Journal of Combinatorial Designs Vol. 8 Iss. 4 (2000)
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