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Optimal monetary policy in an open economy under asset market segmentation
Economics Working Papers (2002–2016)
  • Amartya Lahiri, University of British Columbia
  • Rajesh Singh, Iowa State University
  • Carlos A. Vegh, University of Maryland, UCLA, and NBER
Document Type
Working Paper
Publication Date
Working Paper Number
WP #12025, November 2012

This paper studies optimal monetary policy in a small open economy under flexible prices. The paper's key innovation is to analyze this question in the context of environments where only a fraction of agents participate in asset market transactions (i.e., asset markets are segmented). In this environment, we study three rules: the optimal state contingent monetary policy; the optimal non-state contingent money growth rule; and the optimal non-state contingent devaluation rate rule. We compare welfare and the volatility of macro aggregates like consumption, exchange rate, and money under the different rules. One of our key findings is that amongst non-state contingent rules, policies targeting the exchange rate are, in general, welfare dominated by policies which target monetary aggregates. Crucially, we find that fixed exchange rates are almost never optimal. On the other hand, under some conditions, a non-state contingent rule like a fixed money rule can even implement the first-best allocation.

File Format
43 pages
File Function
Current draft: August 2011
Citation Information
Amartya Lahiri, Rajesh Singh and Carlos A. Vegh. "Optimal monetary policy in an open economy under asset market segmentation" (2012)
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