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Firm Characteristics and Industry Influences as Drivers of Internationalization: An Examination of US Business Responses to the New European Union
Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Elizabeth M. Fitzgerald, Kennesaw State University
  • Rajaram Veliyath, Kennesaw State University
Management and Entrepreneurship
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This research examined the strategic responses of 70 US manufacturing firms to the European Community's unification movement. In general, internal firm's characteristics such as competitive advantages, performance goals, and the firm's current presence in Europe significantly influenced the nature of strategic responses. Surprisingly, external industry influences appeared somewhat ineffectual. The findings contradict conventional wisdom that posits industry influences as being the primary drivers of internationalization.

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Citation Information
Fitzgerald, E. M. and Veliyath, R. (1995), "Firm Characteristics and Industry Influences as Drivers of Internationalization: An Examination of US Business Responses to the New European Union." Strategic Change, 4: 293–304.