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Student perceptions of teacher-student relationship quality predict student misbehavior
Annual Meeting of the American Psychology Association
  • Khushwinder Kaur Gill, Lammersville Unified School District
  • Rachelle K. Hackett, University of the Pacific
  • Linda L. Webster, University of the Pacific
  • Lynn G. Beck, University of the Pacific
  • C. R. Seal
Document Type
Conference Presentation
American Psychological Association
Honolulu, HI
Conference Dates
July 31-August 2, 2013
Date of Presentation
Citation Information
Khushwinder Kaur Gill, Rachelle K. Hackett, Linda L. Webster, Lynn G. Beck, et al.. "Student perceptions of teacher-student relationship quality predict student misbehavior" Annual Meeting of the American Psychology Association (2013)
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