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Electroretinogram evaluation of equine eyes with extensive ‘bullet-hole’ fundic lesions
Veterinary Ophthalmology
  • Rachel A. Allbaugh, Iowa State University
  • Gil Ben-Shlomo, Iowa State University
  • R. David Whitley, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
Publication Date

Objective To evaluate the impact of extensive bullet-hole nontapetal fundic lesions in horses on retinal function as measured by full field electroretinography (ERG).

Materials and Methods Full field ERG was performed on two horses with numerous bullet-hole lesions in the nontapetal fundus of both eyes. The ERG was first recorded from the eye with the more extensive lesions in response to a low intensity light stimulus (0.03 cd·s/m2) that was given at times (T) T = 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes of dark adaptation. Consecutively, combined rod-cone response was evaluated bilaterally in response to high intensity light stimulus (3 cd·s/m2), followed by cone function evaluation by flicker stimulus (3 cd·s/m2 at 30Hz). Off-line analysis of the ERG recordings was then performed.

Results Despite extensive bullet-hole lesions in the nontapetal fundus bilaterally in both horses retinal function as measured by ERG did not show any observable deficits. The b-wave amplitude of the full-field ERG increased continuously from 5 to 20 minutes of dark adaptation peaking at 446µv and 377µv for horse number 1 and 2 respectively. The b-wave amplitudes of the combined rod-cone response were OS- 459µv and OD- 392µv for horse number 1 and OS- 491µv and OD- 608µv for horse number 2. The amplitude of the flicker ERG for horse number 1 was OS- 86 µv and OD- 110 µv and for horse number 2 OS- 80 µv and OD- 74 µv.

Conclusions Extensive bullet-hole chorioretinal lesions do not appear to compromise outer retinal function in these horses.


This is the accepted version of the following article: Allbaugh RA, Ben-Shlomo, G, Whitley RD. Eletroretinogram evaluation of equine eyes with extensive ‘bullet-hole’ fundic lesions. Veterinary Ophthalmology 2014; 17, 129–133, which has been published in final form at

Copyright Owner
American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
File Format
Citation Information
Rachel A. Allbaugh, Gil Ben-Shlomo and R. David Whitley. "Electroretinogram evaluation of equine eyes with extensive ‘bullet-hole’ fundic lesions" Veterinary Ophthalmology Vol. 17 Iss. s1 (2014) p. 129 - 133
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