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Sink or Swim? A Case-Study Approach to Teaching Information Evaluation
Proceedings of the LOEX Annual Conference
  • Katie Strand, Utah State University
  • Rachel Wishkoski, Utah State University
Document Type
Conference Paper
Minneapolis, MN
Publication Date

This paper is part of the LOEX 2019 conference proceedings and reports on an engaging information evaluation lesson designed by a team of librarians at Utah State University. Teaching evaluation skills in the highly emotional world of fake news is a daunting task. The lesson described here uses realistic case studies to give students the critical distance necessary to practice evaluation before diving into their personal research and biases. The article outlines the lesson’s case study activity and rationale in teaching students adaptable evaluation skills that they can apply in their academic, professional, and personal lives.

Citation Information
Strand, K., & Wishkoski, R. (Forthcoming early 2020). Sink or swim? A case study approach to teaching information evaluation. Proceedings of the LOEX Annual Conference.