The elegance of The Elegant Universe: Unity, beauty, and harmony in Brian Greene’s popularization of Superstring Theory.
Public Understanding of Science
The emergence of string theory into popular culture can be seen in recent episodes of Joan of Arcadia and in the NOVA series based on Brian Greene's best-selling book, The Elegant Universe. Greene's book has played a significant role in string theory's emergence into popular culture. In order to persuade the general public to accept the new and controversial theory of superstrings as a revolutionary scientific theory, Greene carefully constructs his argument in The Elegant Universe, reinforcing the elegance and beauty of string theory. The Elegant Universe itself is an elegantly constructed argument, in terms of both its overall structure and its language. The threads of Greene's argument are carefully woven to create the unified textual fabric of his argument.
- Briane Greene,
- superspring theory,
- popular science,
- metaphors,
- rhetoric
Publication Date
Fall October 1, 2007
Citation Information
Rachel Edford. "The elegance of The Elegant Universe: Unity, beauty, and harmony in Brian Greene’s popularization of Superstring Theory." Public Understanding of Science Vol. 16 Iss. 4 (2007) p. 441 - 454 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/rachel-edford/15/
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