This workshop discusses various ways to directly engage student patrons for outreach and programming purposes, while eliminating post-secondary administration red-tape that could hinder establishment of this programming. The presenters illustrate ways to delegate to certain students creation and promotion of library-related content for consumption by the rest of the campus community. The presenters show that engaging directly with this group of creative students, not only gives this student project experience and confidence, but frees the outreach and programming staff’s time commitment to explore additional ways to connect with the campus’ community. Going to the students directly and not relying on the academic administration to facilitate programming, can show the student body that the library staff is committed to their needs and is willing to have one-on-one interactions in relation to their library-related needs. This also allows the library staff to directly assess emerging student needs and personalize future initiatives to those needs. We specifically discuss embedded librarianship and non-curricular based initiatives for student affinity groups and library media projects undertaken at Valparaiso University in the past year.
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