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New universality class for gelation in a system with particle breakup
Physical Review B (1988)
  • R. Dennis Vigil, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Robert M Ziff, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Binglin Lu, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

We introduce a model of coagulation with single-particle breakoft', described by the kernels K~1 ij and F1 a((j+1)b;& +(i+1)bj&). For a above a critical value a„the system either gels or reaches a steady-state size distribution, depending upon initial conditions. Below a„gelation always occurs. At a a„the scaling exponent i, which describes the large-size behavior of the steady-state size distribution, is 2 rather than the usual value &, indicating that this process belongs to a new universality class of gelation.

Publication Date
July 1, 1988
Publisher Statement
This article is from Physical Review B 38 (1988): 942-945, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.38.942. Posted with permission.
Citation Information
R. Dennis Vigil, Robert M Ziff and Binglin Lu. "New universality class for gelation in a system with particle breakup" Physical Review B Vol. 38 Iss. 1 (1988)
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