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Individual fishing quotas in the eastern Gulf of Mexico grouper fishery: fleet restructuring, effort reduction and cost savings
Economics Working Papers (2002–2016)
  • Quinn Weninger, Iowa State University
Document Type
Working Paper
Publication Date
Working Paper Number
WP #08007, March 2008 revised May 2008; Old working paper #12890

This paper estimates a structural model of multiple-species harvesting costs in the eastern Gulf of Mexico reef fish fishery. The calibrated model is used to predict fleet size, vessel-level harvesting activity and fleet-wide revenues and costs that are expected under a proposed individual fishing quota (IFQ) management program for grouper species. Results suggest that significant fleet downsizing, scale economies and pure efficiency gains will emerge under IFQs. Overall, IFQs appear to be an attractive alternative to the current controlled access management program in the fishery.

File Format
34 pages
File Function
Revised version: May 2008 (Original draft: March 2008)
Citation Information
Quinn Weninger. "Individual fishing quotas in the eastern Gulf of Mexico grouper fishery: fleet restructuring, effort reduction and cost savings" (2008)
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