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Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding of Sc4MgxCu15-xGa~7.5 (x = 0, 0.5): Two Incommensurately Modulated Scandium Substitution Derivatives of Cubic Mg2Cu6Ga5
Inorganic Chemistry
  • Qisheng Lin, The Ames Laboratory
  • Sven Lidin, Stockholm University
  • John D. Corbett, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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The substitution of scandium for magnesium in Mg2Cu6Ga5 (Mg2Zn11-type) yields an irrational superstructure phase that includes the refined compositions, Sc4Mg0.50(2)Cu14.50(2)Ga7.61(2) and Sc4Cu14.76(2)Ga7.51(2). These crystallize in Cmmm, a = ∼8.31 Å, b = ∼21.72 Å, c = ∼8.30 Å. The structures feature Sc2 dimers, Cu6 octahedra, a 3D CuGa (Cu12Ga2) framework, and arachno gallium-centered Cu4Ga6 icosahedra that are condensed into zigzag chains. The arrangement of these building blocks exhibits a topologic relationship to Mg2Cu6Ga5. Further studies reveal that the quaternary compound exhibits incommensurate modulations along a, with q = (0.694, 0, 0). Structure refinements with superspace group Xmmm(a00)000 led to saw-tooth modulations for two fractional or mixed sites that avoid short Cu−Ga distances. Band structure analyses reveal that the Fermi surface and bonding are sensitive to the incommensurately modulated atoms.


This is an article from Inorganic Chemistry 47 (2008): 1020, doi: 10.1021/ic701853c. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
American Chemical Society
File Format
Citation Information
Qisheng Lin, Sven Lidin and John D. Corbett. "Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding of Sc4MgxCu15-xGa~7.5 (x = 0, 0.5): Two Incommensurately Modulated Scandium Substitution Derivatives of Cubic Mg2Cu6Ga5" Inorganic Chemistry Vol. 47 Iss. 3 (2008) p. 1020 - 1029
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