Low voltage resistive switching devices based on chemically produced silicon oxide
Applied Physics Letters
We developed nonvolatile metal/SiOx/Si memristive devices based on ultrathin (∼1 nm) silicon oxide that was produced in a Piranha solution. The devices exhibited repeatable resistive switching behavior with low programming voltages (as low as 0.5 V) and high ON/OFF conductance ratio. Devices with active metals as top electrodes were bipolar switches, while those with inert metal electrodes were unipolar. We also studied the switching mechanisms for both types of devices based on the filament formation and rupture, and proposed conduction models for Pt/SiOx/Si devices.
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The published version is also located at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/103/6/10.1063/1.4817970
Citation Information
Can Li, Hao Jiang and Qiangfei Xia. "Low voltage resistive switching devices based on chemically produced silicon oxide" Applied Physics Letters Vol. 103 Iss. 062104 (2013) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/qiangfei_xia/8/