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Bringing learning progressions down to 2-year-olds in reading and mathematics
2021-2030 ACER Research Conferences
  • Prue Anderson, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Start Date
4-9-2023 10:45 AM
End Date
4-9-2023 11:45 AM
Oral language, Lifelong learning, Early reading, Mathematics, Literacy, Science, Social skills, Learning progressions, Early childhood education, Preschool primary transition

ACER’s learning progressions in reading and mathematics describe growth that is mainly focused on skills students demonstrate at and beyond school. These progressions have recently been extended down to describe earlier levels of growth so we now have seamless progressions from skills and understandings toddlers might demonstrate up to highly sophisticated skills and concepts. This presentation briefly outlines ACER’s work and identifies key implications for educators. The pathways that support early reading development were described in progressions for listening comprehension and sounds and letters. Along with an early mathematics progression, these were conceptualised as embedded in an oral language progression. Educators need to understand what early growth in reading and mathematics looks like in order to foster key skills and concepts at an appropriate level for the child. This ensures a strong foundation for children to make good ongoing progress.

Place of Publication
Melbourne, Australia
Australian Council for Educational Research
Citation Information
Anderson, P. (2023). Bringing learning progressions down to 2-year-olds in reading and mathematics. In K. Burns (Ed.), Research Conference 2023: Becoming Lifelong Learners. Proceedings and Program (pp. 23-31). Australian Council for Educational Research.