It’s Time for Black Votes to Matter
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My beloved, we have arrived at the time where the voting “rubber meets the roads”. The 2016 general election is upon us. We are at the classic fork in the roads. Our community has so many needs that can be addressed by responsive elected officials, from top to bottom. From the President to our congressman, our State Senators and county and local office holders. We must vote those who have our self interest in focus, then do our job and demand that they be responsive and accountable, we must handle our business this year. Hopefully, we are beginning to realize that Black Votes Matter. Let’s CELEBRATE NORTH OMAHA by showing our voting strength.
Citation Information
Preston Love. "It’s Time for Black Votes to Matter" 4urban.org (2016) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/preston-love/29/
This article was first published on 4urban.org.