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Economic Cataracts: A Chronicle of Efforts to Remove the Obstacles of Urban Community Engagement and Economic Inclusion
Faculty Books and Monographs
  • Preston Love, Jr., University of Nebraska at Omaha

A clear view of what is,
A hopeful perspective of what could be,
And a realistic vision of how to alter the future.

Preston began his quest for clarity with his return to his beloved hometown of Omaha to be with his ailing mother, Betty Love, in 2006 after the death of his famous father, Preston Love, Sr.

The condition of his section of town, North Omaha, where almost all of the fifty thousand African-Americans live in Omaha was shocking, and became the #1 priority for Love, Jr. Economic Cataracts brings together a collection of position papers and initiatives by the author, directed toward making a difference where a difference is needed. While Preston’s story is based in his hometown, Omaha, Nebraska, there are lessons, there are premises, there are actions, and there is wisdom in these approaches that can apply in every urban setting in America. Preston offers this snapshot as a framework for others to reference.

Publication Date
Preston Publishing
Black Studies
Citation Information
Preston Love. Economic Cataracts: A Chronicle of Efforts to Remove the Obstacles of Urban Community Engagement and Economic Inclusion. (2015)
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