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Measuring what matters: Insights on the value of Whole Child Development
Monitoring Learning
  • Porticus, Porticus
  • Australian Council for Educational Research, Australian Council for Educational Research
  • Pina Tarricone, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Yung Nietschke
  • Kylie Hillman, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Publication Date
Child development, Holistic approach, Measurement, Measurement objectives, Measures (Individuals), Self concept measures, Educational policy, Policy analysis, International comparisons

ACER undertook this study on behalf of Porticus.

Check additional files below for the French and Spanish language versions of the surveys.


This policy analysis report captures how cities and countries value, define, and measure Whole Child Development (WCD) - and equivalent - both broadly and in the context of reaching those in extreme adversity. The WCD conceptual framework of this study refers to 11 key themes: values, life skills, social and emotional learning, spirituality, academic knowledge, student engagement, adult support, community, academically challenging learning, safe environments, and health. The report provides insights into the challenges experienced in embedding WCD in education systems and offers evidence around the growing recognition and momentum globally around WCD and holistic learning. One of the key findings from the report is that policy makers are much more motivated to integrate whole child approaches in education policies when they feel confident that this will contribute to improved learning (academic) outcomes. Crucially, the study also found that children and youth facing extreme adversity are recognised by all participating sites, broadly and within a local context, as a priority group deserving of special attention in the education system. The study informs Porticus’ Measuring What Matters (MWM) programme.

Place of Publication
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Citation Information
Porticus & Australian Council for Educational Research. (2020). Measuring what matters: Insights on the value of Whole Child Development.