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Two Comments On "Taking It Personally: Reading Derrida's Responses"
College English (1995)
  • Pierre A. Walker, Salem State University
  • John Alberti
Dear Reed Way Dasenbrock:

In the spirit of your criticism of Derrida's replies in your wonderfully persuasive "Taking It Personally: Reading Derrida's Responses" (March 1994), I am replying to you directly, although I have presumed that you will not mind sharing my reply with other readers. I write to you in order to point out the role of French copyright law in respect to Derrida's essay, "Limited Inc" (Glyph 2 [1978]: 162-254), which is his reply to John Searle's essay, "Reiterating the Differences: A Reply to Derrida" (Glyph 1 [1977]: 198-208), which is itself a reply to Derrida's earlier "Signature événement contexte" (Marges de la philosophie [Paris: Minuit, 1972] 365-93), and to his anger over the reprinting without his approval of his interview with the French news weekly, Le nouvel observateur, in the original edition of Richard Wolin's collection, The Heidegger Controversy: A Critical Reader (New York: Columbia UP, 1991).
Publication Date
March, 1995
Citation Information
Pierre A. Walker and John Alberti. "Two Comments On "Taking It Personally: Reading Derrida's Responses"" College English Vol. 57 Iss. 3 (1995) p. 357 - 361
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