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Species diversity and dispersal traits alter biodiversity spillover in reconstructed grasslands
Journal of Applied Ecology
  • Katie P. Sperry, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Hayley Hilfer, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Ian Lane, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Jessica Petersen, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
  • Philip M. Dixon, Iowa State University
  • Lauren L. Sullivan, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Document Type
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
Publication Date

1.Grasslands are among the planet's most imperiled ecosystems, largely because habitat conversion has caused extreme biodiversity loss. In response, managers and scientists aim to recreate grassland habitat, yet these reconstructed grasslands are often species poor and lose diversity through time. One potential mechanism to promote biodiversity in grasslands is spillover, or the targeted dispersal of species across habitat boundaries from areas of high to low biodiversity. There is potential for native species to disperse via spillover from high quality remnant habitat and establish in reconstructions, thus increasing biodiversity. However, plant dispersal and establishment are often context dependent, and the conditions that promote spillover in grasslands are largely unknown.

2.Here we examine the contexts under which spillover can enhance biodiversity in grasslands. Specifically, we investigate whether the species richness of reconstructions and individual plant dispersal traits alter spillover. To do so, we surveyed plant species richness at reconstructed grasslands of varying diversity adjacent to remnant grasslands.

3.We found that spillover from remnants supplies reconstructions with rare species that would otherwise not be present, but only in reconstructions with lower overall richness. Further, spillover was more likely to occur for species with wind dispersed seeds than species with unassisted seed dispersal.

4.Synthesis and applications. Our results show that the context dependency of both dispersal and establishment processes are critical to understanding when and where spillover can promote biodiversity in reconstructed systems. Understanding these contexts will help land managers leverage natural dispersal to mitigate biodiversity loss by anticipating which species are likely to arrive in reconstructions without assistance and when they are likely to establish.


This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Sperry, Katie P., Hayley Hilfer, Ian Lane, Jessica Petersen, Philip M. Dixon, and Lauren L. Sullivan. "Species diversity and dispersal traits alter biodiversity spillover in reconstructed grasslands." Journal of Applied Ecology (2019), which has been published in final form at doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13469. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.

Copyright Owner
The Authors; Journal of Applied Ecology British Ecological Society
File Format
Citation Information
Katie P. Sperry, Hayley Hilfer, Ian Lane, Jessica Petersen, et al.. "Species diversity and dispersal traits alter biodiversity spillover in reconstructed grasslands" Journal of Applied Ecology (2019)
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