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Special issue on “The social car: socially-inspired mechanisms for future mobility services”
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
  • Andreas Riener
  • Myounghoon Jeon, Michigan Technological University
  • Ignacio Alvarez
  • Franco Zambonelli
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nternet and social network services provide a basis for cars to share various types of information, such as driving-relevant information (traffic or road condition, vehicle status, or navigation information), and even driving-irrelevant information (music or video pieces, passenger interactions, driver’s feelings or mental status, etc.) with other “interested” cars or the urban infrastructure. Given that the current amount of cars on the road worldwide is higher than the number of active users of social network services, the potential for socially-inspired mobility services is enormous. To give a few examples, socially-inspired traffic could converge to the long term traffic safety goals of zero death on our roads. It is further assumed that concerted driver behavior allows for improvements on sustainability (efficient, fuel-saving driving), and that concepts such as autonomous driving or traffic shaping (e.g., with adaptive lanes) results in increased satisfaction and pleasure of driving experience. Other expected improvements relate to social forgivingness (limited willingness to anticipate a potentially unsafe action), enhanced self-assessment, or a better prediction of upcoming traffic situations.

Publisher's Statement

Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.. Publisher's version of record:

Citation Information
Andreas Riener, Myounghoon Jeon, Ignacio Alvarez and Franco Zambonelli. "Special issue on “The social car: socially-inspired mechanisms for future mobility services”" Pervasive and Mobile Computing Vol. 14 (2014) p. 66 - 70
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