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Robot theater with children for STEAM education
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
  • Jaclyn Barnes, Michigan Technological University
  • Maryam FakhrHosseini, Michigan Technological University
  • Eric Vasey, Michigan Technological University
  • Zackery Duford, Michigan Technological University
  • Myounghoon Jeon, Michigan Technological University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

To promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education, we conducted a long-term study in an elementary school as part of an after-school program. We worked with small groups of 5 to 7 year old children in hour long weekly sessions for nine weeks. We introduced the children to a variety of robots spanning a wide range of form factors and technical sophistication. Over the course of our study, the children played with the robots, constructed robot models with clay, and wrote and acted in a theater production with robots. We believe that this technique of using robots as actors in children’s theater productions has significant potential for educating children in a number of fields under the STEAM paradigm.

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Citation Information
Jaclyn Barnes, Maryam FakhrHosseini, Eric Vasey, Zackery Duford, et al.. "Robot theater with children for STEAM education" Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Vol. 61 Iss. 1 (2017) p. 875 - 879
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