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Influences of visual and auditory displays on aimed movements using air gesture controls
International Conference on Auditory Display, 2018
  • Jason Sterkenburg, Michigan Technological University
  • Steven Landry, Michigan Technological University
  • Myounghoon Jeon, Michigan Technological University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

With the proliferation of technologies operated via in-air hand movements, e.g. virtual/augmented reality, in-vehicle infotainment systems, and large public information displays, there remains an open question about if/how auditory displays can be used effectively to facilitate eyes-free aimed movements. We conducted a within-subjects study, similar to a Fitts paradigm study, in which 24 participants completed simple aimed movements to acquire targets of varying sizes and distances. Participants completed these aimed movements for six conditions – each presenting a unique combination of visual and auditory displays. Results showed participants were generally faster to make selections when using visual displays compared to displays without visuals. However, selection accuracy was similar for auditory-only displays when compared to displays with visual components. These results highlight the potential for auditory displays to aid aimed movements using air gestures in conditions where visual displays are impractical, impossible, or unhelpful.

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Citation Information
Jason Sterkenburg, Steven Landry and Myounghoon Jeon. "Influences of visual and auditory displays on aimed movements using air gesture controls" International Conference on Auditory Display, 2018 Iss. 65 (2017)
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