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A Structural Result of Irreducible Inclusions of Type III Lambda Factors, Lambda Is an Element of (0,1)
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
  • Phan Loi, Wright State University - Main Campus
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Given an irreducible inclusion of factors with finite index NM, where M is of type IIIλ1/m, N of type IIIλ1/n, 0 < λ < 1, and m,n are relatively prime positive integers, we will prove that if NM satisfies a commuting square condition, then its structure can be characterized by using fixed point algebras and crossed products of automorphisms acting on the middle inclusion of factors associated with NM. Relations between NM and a certain G-kernel on subfactors are also discussed.


First published in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 126.9 (1998), published by the American Mathematical Society.

Citation Information
Phan Loi. "A Structural Result of Irreducible Inclusions of Type III Lambda Factors, Lambda Is an Element of (0,1)" Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 126 Iss. 9 (1998) p. 2651 - 2662 ISSN: 0002-9939
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