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About Phaedra Budy

Phaedra Budy is the Unit Leader of the U.S. Geological Society, Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit as well as a Professor of fisheries management and aquatic ecology in the Department of Watershed Sciences at Utah State University (USU). In that capacity, she helps the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources meet their research needs, for more informed management of aquatic natural resources in Utah while, serving as a full member of the Watershed Sciences faculty.


Faculty Member, Utah State University

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

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Honors and Awards

  • USGS/DOI Star Award. Superior Performance 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005
  • College of Natural Resources. Researcher of the Year 2009
  • College of Natural Resources. Teacher of the Year 2009
  • Advance, NSF, Travel Fellowship, 2008
  • Utah Chapter American Fisheries Society, Scientist of the Year, 2007
  • College of Natural Resources. Undergraduate Mentor of the Year 2006
  • Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Faculty Advisor of the Year, 2002


1996 Ph.D., Utah State University
1991 B.S., University of California, Davis

Peer-Reviewed Publications (111)