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Predation on native sculpin by exotic brown trout exceeds that by native cutthroat trout within a mountain watershed (Logan, UT, USA)
Ecology of Freshwater Fish (2015)
  • Phaedra Budy, Utah State University
We explored potential negative effects of exotic brown trout (Salmo trutta) on native sculpin (Cottus sp.) on the Logan River, Utah, USA by (i) examining factors most strongly correlated with sculpin abundance (e.g., abiotic conditions or piscivory?), (ii) contrasting the extent of brown trout predation on sculpin with that by native cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii utah) and (iii) estimating the number of sculpin consumed by brown trout along an elevational gradient using bioenergetics...
Publication Date
January, 2015
DOI: 10.1111/eff.12134
Citation Information
Meredity, CS; Budy, P; Thiede, GP. 2015. Predation on native sculpin by exotic brown trout exceeds that by native cutthroat trout within a mountain watershed (Logan, UT, USA). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 24(1):133-147. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12134