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Factors Driving Spatial and Temporal Variation in Production and Production/Biomass Ratio of Stream-Resident Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in Cantabrian Streams
Freshwater Biology (2011)
  • Phaedra Budy, Utah State University
The objective was to identify the factors driving spatial and temporal variation in annual production (PA) and turnover (production/biomass) ratio (P/BA) of resident brown trout Salmo trutta in tributaries of the Rio Esva (Cantabrian Mountains, Asturias, north‐western Spain). We examined annual production (total production of all age‐classes over a year) (PA) and turnover (P/BA) ratios, in relation to year‐class production (production over the entire life time of a year‐class) (PT) and turnover (P/BT) ratio, over 14 years at a total of 12 sites along the length of four contrasting tributaries. In addition, we explored whether the importance of recruitment and site depth for spatial and temporal variations in year‐class production (PT), elucidated in previous studies, extends to annual production.
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Citation Information
Lobón-­‐Cerviá, J., G. González, and P. Budy. 2011. Factors driving spatial and temporal variation in production and production⁄biomass ratio of stream­‐resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Cantabrian streams. Freshwater Biology 56:2272-­‐2287.